Respect by Kissing Hand & Feet in Islam (Not Sirik its Sunnah) :- | ইসলামী কিতাব

Hadith #1
Kissing the Feet of Mother →

A man came to  Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) and told him that he had taken a vow that should Allah (سبحانہ و تعا لی)  grant Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) victory over Makka, he would go to Kaaba and kiss its threshold.  The   Prophet  (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) instructed him: 'Go and kiss the feet of your mother. Your vow will be complete.' 

From : Allama Aynee 
Book : Umdat al Qari, sharah al-Bukhari

Book : Mabsut 
From : Imam Sarakhusi
Vol : 1, 139 page

Hadith #2

مولى العباس قال رأيت عليا يقبل يد العباس ورجله

Sayyedina Shuyab (Radi Allah ta'ala A'anhu) said, 

“Ali (Alaihis Salaam) kissed the hand and feet of Al-Abbas.” (al-Abbas was Ali’s uncle).

Reference :

From : Bukhari
Book : Al Adab Al Mufrad
Chapter : Kissing Feet
Hadith number : 976

Imam al-Dhahabi said in his Siyar A'lam an Nabula

إسناده حسن

It has “Hassan” chain [Siyar, Volume No. 2 #94]

Hadith #3

Al-Wazi' ibn 'Amir said, "We came and were told, 'That is the Messenger of Allah.' We took his hands and feet and kissed them."


From : Bukhari
Book : Al Adab Al Mufrad
Chapter : Qadam chumna
Hadith number : 975

Hadith #4

Ibn 'Umar said, "'..........
 We kissed his hand. He said, 'I am your group.....'"


Al-Adab al-Mufrad Al-Bukhari  by Imam Bukhari  XDI. Greetings Chapter 445  Hadith No 972

Hadith #5

'Abdu'r-Rahman ibn Razin said, "We passed by az-Zubda and were told, 'There is Salama ibn al-Akwa'. I went to him and he greeted us. Then he brought out his hands and stated, 'With these two hands I offered allegiance to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.' He held out his palm which was as huge as a camel's foot, and we got up and kissed it."


Al-Adab al-Mufrad Al-Bukhari  by Imam Bukhari  XDI. Greetings Chapter 445  Hadith No 973

Hadith #6

Sayyedina Anas (Radi Allah ta'ala A'anhu) was asked,
"Did you touch the Prophet, (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) with your hand?"
He replied, "Yes,"
so they kissed it.

Reference :

From : Bukhari
Book : Al Adab Al Mufrad
Chaprer : Haathon ko chumna
Hadith number : 974

Hadith #7

Umm Aban, quoting his grandfather 

Sayyedina Zari' (Radi Allah ta'ala A'anhu) who was a member of the deputation of AbdulQays, said:

When we came to Medina, we raced to be first to dismount and kiss the hand and foot of the Apostle of Allah (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM).

Reference :

From : Abu Dawud
Book : Al Adab
Chapter : Qadmon ko chumna
Hadith numnber : 5225

From : Bayhaqi
Book : Sunan Al Kubra
Volume : 7
Page : 102

► Imam Ibn al-Muqri' narrates it in his Kitab al-rukhsa (p. 80 #20),

► Imam al-Tayalisi in his Musnad.

It is declared hasan by Ibn `Abd al-Barr in Musnad Al Bazzar (3:278)

Imam Al-Haithami narrated it.

Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari (1989 ed. 11:67 Isti’dhan ch. 28 #6265) said: “Among the good narrations in Ibn al-Muqri’s book, is the Hadith of al-Zari al-Abdi.”

al-Mundhiri confirmed it in Mukhtasar al-Sunan (8:86) and declared it Hasan.

abarani declared it Sahih in two of his books: al-Mujam al-Kabir (vol. 5, p. 275 # 5313); and al-Mujam al-Awsat (vol. 1, p. 133 # 418).

Hadith #8

حدثنا أبو بكر حدثنا عبد الله بن إدريس وغندر وأبو أسامة عن شعبة عن عمرو بن مرة عن عبد الله بن سلمة عن صفوان بن عسال  أن قوما من اليهود قبلوا يد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ورجليه

Sayyedina Safwan ibn `Asal al-Muradi (Radi Allah ta'ala A'anhu) said, 

"A group of Jews kissed the Hands and foot of Prophet (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) "

Reference :

From : Ibn e Majah
Book : Al Adab 
Chapter : Ek mard dusry mard k hath chumay
Volume 3
Hadith number : 3705
Declare : Sahih

From : Ibn Abi Shaibah
Book : Al Adab
Chapter : A Man Kissing Another Man's Hand When He greets Him,

From : Tirmidhi 
Book : Al Adaab wal Istizaan
Chapter : 18. Kissing hands and feet
Hadith : 3155
Declare : Sahih

Also from
al-Nasa'i, in his sunan
and al-Hakim in his Mustadrak who declared it sahih.

►Ahmed bin Hambel -18814

►al-Nasa'i, who declared it sahih.

► al-Hakim who declared it sahih.

Hadith #9

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:

Ibn Umar told a story and said: We then came near the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and kissed his hand.


From : Abu Dawud
Book : Al adab
Chaprer : Haathon ko chumna
Hadith number : 5223

Hadith #10

باب الرجل يقبل يد الرجل 
حدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة حدثنا محمد بن فضيل حدثنا يزيد بن أبي زياد عن عبد الرحمن بن أبي ليلى عن ابن عمر قال  قبلنا يد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

Chapter 16. A Man Kissing Another Man's Hand
Translation: It was narrated that Ibn 'Umar said: "We kissed the hand of the Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him)

►Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol 5, Page 34, Chapter 16, Hadith No: 3704, Published by Durassalam Saudia Arabia

Hadith #11

sayyedina Buraidah (Radi Allah ta'ala A'anhum) of Propeht (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) reported that , When we were with Allah's Messenger (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) on an expedition, 
a Bedouin came and asked for a miracle. Prophet (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) Showed him a miracle.
The Bedouin said, "let me prostrate to you!.”
Allah's Messenger (SALLALAHU A'LAIHAY WA ALEHI WASALLAM) answered:
"No one is allowed to do that [i.e. it is Haraam].
The Bedouin said, "Then I will KISS YOUR HANDS AND FEET." 

Reference :

From : Al Qaadee ‘Ayaad
Book : Ash Shifa
Chapter : Darakhton ka Kalam karna aur AAP SAW ki nabuwwat ki shahdat aur Dawat par ana.
Volume : 1
page : 299 

From : Imam Bazzar
Book : Al Musnad Al Bazzar
Volume : 3
Page : 49

Imam Muslim Seeking Permission to Kiss the Feet of Imam Bukhari

أحمد بن حمدان القصار سمعت مسلم بن الحجاج وجاء إلى محمد بن إسماعيل البخاري فقبل بين عينيه وقال دعني حتى أقبل رجليك يا أستاذ الأستاذين وسيد المحدثين وطبيب الحديث في علله حدثك 

Translation: Ahmed bin Hamdan al-Qasaar said that he saw Muslim bin Hajjaj (rah) i.e Imam Muslim R.A coming in the court of Imam Bukhari (rah) and kissed his forehead, "THEN HE ASKED HIS PERMISSION TO KISS HIS FEET" he then said: O Teacher of Teachers master of traditionalists and grand scholar on hadith weaknesses.

 [Al Bidayah wan Nihayah (11/33), Published by Maktaba al Ma'rif, Beirut, Lebanon]

2) Imam al-Dahabi in his Book: Sayyir A'laam An Nubala, Volume: 3, Page No: 3343, Under Biography of Imam Bukhari, Biography No: 4969, Published by : Bait Al Afkaar Ad Dawliya, lebanon  Year: 2004 Click Here for Scanned Page (109)

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