Grave of Sahaba Shaddad ibn Aws (RA)
Abu Huraira (RA)
Grave of Al Dirar Bin Azwar (RA)
Grave of Jafar Ibn Abi Talib (RA), the Sahaba who is the Brother of Imam Ali (RA), and who was martyred in the battlefiled.
Grave of Zaid Ibn Haritha (RA), The Freed Slave of the Messenger of God (PBUH), and one of the 10 given the glad tidings of Jannah.
Grave of Muath ibn Jabal (RA), the scholar of the Ummah
Hazrat Umme Salma (RA)
Hazrat Hamza (RA)
Jannatul Baqi
The battlefield of Badr
Jannatul Muallh
Outside View of Maqam of Zaynab (AS)
Qabr e Syeda Zainab (AS)
Mazar Sharif Hazrat Ruqayyah bint Imam Hussain
Hazart Zainub bin Ali (RA)
Ummul Mumineen Hazarat Hafsa (RA), the daughter of Umar Al Farooq (RA)
Mazar Sharif Hazrat Sakina bint Imam Hussain
Imam Hussain's (RA) blessed head place
Shuhada-e-Karbala Imam Hussain, the Grandson the Prophet (pbuh), the son of Ali and Fatima (Allah be please with them)
Khatoon e Janaat Fatima (AS) Imam Hassan,Zain ul Abidden,Mohd Baqir,Jaffar al Sadiq (AS)
grave of Imam Ali (RA), the cousin and son in law of the Prophet (pbuh), the lion of Allah!
Salman Farsi (RA)
Abu Darda (RA)
Mazar of Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghaffari (RA)
Hazrat Abdullah ibn Ja'far (RA)
Hazrat Abu Abdullah Jabir Ansari (RA)
Abu Obaida Mosque
Hazarat Abu Obaida ibn Al Jarrah (RA)
Hazarat Abbass (RA), the uncle of the Prophet (pbuh)
Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf (RA)
Outside view of Grave of Bilal (RA)
Grave of Bilal (RA)
Grave of Bilal (RA)
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